Add TAL-Reverb-II plugin to test
[juce-lv2.git] / juce / source / extras / the jucer / src / model / jucer_JucerDocument.h
1 /*
2 ==============================================================================
4 This file is part of the JUCE library - "Jules' Utility Class Extensions"
5 Copyright 2004-11 by Raw Material Software Ltd.
7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 JUCE can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General
10 Public License (Version 2), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 A copy of the license is included in the JUCE distribution, or can be found
12 online at
14 JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
15 WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
16 A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
21 available: visit for more information.
23 ==============================================================================
29 #include "components/jucer_ComponentTypeHandler.h"
30 #include "jucer_PaintRoutine.h"
31 #include "jucer_ComponentLayout.h"
32 #include "jucer_BinaryResources.h"
35 //==============================================================================
36 /**
37 This is the main document base class, which loads, saves and manages the state of
38 an entire jucer component.
40 It contains a ComponentLayout object to represent its sub-components, and
41 one or more PaintRoutine objects to represent sets of drawing operations it
42 might want to do.
44 It also holds a BinaryResources object to manage its resources.
46 class JucerDocument : public FileBasedDocument,
47 private Timer
49 public:
50 //==============================================================================
51 JucerDocument();
52 ~JucerDocument();
54 void changed();
56 virtual JucerDocument* createCopy() = 0;
57 virtual const String getTypeName() const = 0;
59 //==============================================================================
60 UndoManager& getUndoManager() throw() { return undoManager; }
62 bool perform (UndoableAction* const action, const String& actionName);
64 void refreshAllPropertyComps();
66 //==============================================================================
67 const String& getClassName() const throw() { return className; }
68 void setClassName (const String& newName);
70 const String& getComponentName() const throw() { return componentName; }
71 void setComponentName (const String& newName);
73 const String getParentClassString() const;
74 void setParentClasses (const String& classes);
76 const String getConstructorParams() const;
77 void setConstructorParams (const String& newParams);
79 const String getVariableInitialisers() const;
80 void setVariableInitialisers (const String& newInitlialisers);
82 void setFixedSize (const bool isFixed);
83 bool isFixedSize() const throw() { return fixedSize; }
85 void setInitialSize (int w, int h);
87 int getInitialWidth() const throw() { return initialWidth; }
88 int getInitialHeight() const throw() { return initialHeight; }
90 //==============================================================================
91 virtual int getNumPaintRoutines() const = 0;
92 virtual const StringArray getPaintRoutineNames() const = 0;
93 virtual PaintRoutine* getPaintRoutine (const int index) const = 0;
95 virtual ComponentLayout* getComponentLayout() const = 0;
97 virtual Component* createTestComponent (const bool alwaysFillBackground) = 0;
99 virtual void addExtraClassProperties (PropertyPanel* panel);
101 //==============================================================================
102 virtual void getOptionalMethods (StringArray& baseClasses,
103 StringArray& returnValues,
104 StringArray& methods,
105 StringArray& initialContents) const;
107 void setOptionalMethodEnabled (const String& methodSigniture, const bool enable);
108 bool isOptionalMethodEnabled (const String& methodSigniture) const throw();
110 //==============================================================================
111 BinaryResources& getResources() throw() { return resources; }
113 //==============================================================================
114 void setSnappingGrid (const int numPixels, const bool active, const bool shown);
116 int getSnappingGridSize() const throw() { return snapGridPixels; }
117 bool isSnapActive (const bool disableIfCtrlKeyDown) const throw();
118 bool isSnapShown() const throw() { return snapShown; }
120 int snapPosition (int pos) const throw();
122 //==============================================================================
123 void setComponentOverlayOpacity (const float alpha);
124 float getComponentOverlayOpacity() const throw() { return componentOverlayOpacity; }
126 //==============================================================================
127 static const char* const jucerCompXmlTag;
129 /** Creates the document's metadata xml section.
131 This doesn't include resources, which are done separately.
133 virtual XmlElement* createXml() const;
135 /** Restores the sub-components and graphics from xml metadata.
137 This doesn't include resources, which aren't altered.
139 virtual bool loadFromXml (const XmlElement& xml);
141 static XmlElement* pullMetaDataFromCppFile (const String& cpp);
143 //==============================================================================
144 // Code generation
146 /** Fills in a GeneratedCode structure with this component's state. */
147 virtual void fillInGeneratedCode (GeneratedCode& code) const;
149 virtual void fillInPaintCode (GeneratedCode& code) const;
151 /** Tries to track down and load the header and cpp templates.
153 bool findTemplateFiles (String& templateH, String& templateCpp) const;
155 /** Generates and returns the header and cpp file contents for this component. */
156 void getPreviewFiles (String& header, String& cpp);
159 protected:
160 const String getDocumentTitle();
161 const String loadDocument (const File& file);
162 const String saveDocument (const File& file);
163 const File getLastDocumentOpened();
164 void setLastDocumentOpened (const File& file);
167 protected:
168 //==============================================================================
169 String className;
170 String componentName;
171 String parentClasses, constructorParams, variableInitialisers;
172 bool fixedSize;
173 int initialWidth, initialHeight;
175 BinaryResources resources;
177 static void addMethod (const String& base, const String& returnVal, const String& method, const String& initialContent,
178 StringArray& baseClasses, StringArray& returnValues, StringArray& methods, StringArray& initialContents);
180 private:
181 UndoManager undoManager;
182 int snapGridPixels;
183 bool snapActive, snapShown;
184 Component* lastFocusedComp;
185 int lastClickCounter;
186 float componentOverlayOpacity;
188 StringArray activeExtraMethods;
190 void timerCallback();
192 //==============================================================================
193 const String getMetadata() const;
195 bool writeCodeFiles (const File& headerFile,
196 const File& cppFile,
197 String headerTemplate,
198 String cppTemplate) const;